Can Diabetics Eat Corn?

Some people like to eat boiled corn, some prefer to add it to their salad, and some like to eat it by mixing it with butter and spices.

People with diabetes are often confused about what they have to eat and what they have to skip. 

Let me tell you you can eat sweet corn, but prefer boiled and steamed one, and by limiting the number of corn you eat daily.

Diabetes is increasing daily due to poor dietary habits in people; they are eating from outside every day, and fat and sodium contents are also high in processed and fried foods, so questions regarding what to eat and what to avoid are also increasing.

In this article, you will learn about proper serving size, GI values of corn, whether they will raise blood glucose levels and some recommendations on how to eat corn in a diabetic-friendly way. Keep going through this article to know the answers to all your thoughts.

Can Sweet Corn Cause High Blood Sugar?

There will be a doubt in your mind, how can I eat it when sweet corn tells you it is sweet?

We do not deny that 17g of carbs are present, from which about 6g is sugar and 2 grams is fibre. Fibre content does wonders and provides the feeling of fullness and satiety. 

Fibres digest slowly, and the body will not crave the next meal fast. While carbs are broken down fastly, they raise glucose levels fast. Therefore, the body needs to eat more, which results in weight gain.

Benefits of Sweet Corn

  • Treat Anemia

Corn is a rich source of folic acid and iron, so it can potentially treat anaemia.

  • Improves Vision

It contains vitamin A, which plays a role in improving vision.

  • Prevents Cancer

It produces healthy bacteria in the body that prevent colorectal cancer.

  • Keep Skin Health

Vitamin c and lycopene are present in them, which are powerful antioxidants that prevent free radical damage and provide skin elasticity.

  • Prevents CVD

Phytochemicals are present in corn which plays the role of antioxidants; antioxidant is assigned to protect cells from free radical damage, so corn consumption prevents CVD and stroke chances in the population.

  • Reduces Diabetes Risk

If diabetics patients take 10g of resistant starch per day, then diabetes chances are low.

GI of Sweet Corn

How quickly a particular food raises blood glucose levels is called GI. Food is given scores between 0-10.

  •  Food having a score of 0-55 is considered low GI, 
  • While foods having a score of 56-69 are considered medium GI foods.
  •  Foods with a score of 70 or above 70 are considered high GI and raise glucose levels fast; you must be thinking, what is the gI of corn? So be happy it is a low GI food having a score of 52 and a Glycemic load of 15.

Nutritional Contents of Corn

Three-quarter cups of corn kernels contain

  • Calories: 90.
  • Protein: 3 grams (g)
  • Fat: 1 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 17 g.
  • Fibre: 2 g.
  • Sugars: 6 g.

Everybody responds differently to different foods; always measure your glucose levels after eating a particular food. For this purpose, use a glucometer and check if glucose levels disturb after eating; then, you should better avoid it.

General Guidelines About Eating Corn

  • I prefer boiled or steamed corn.
  • Avoid adding extra salt and spices. High sodium intake causes water retention, and weight gets stuck, and type 2 diabetes who already suffer from losing weight can gain extra weight.
  • Try to eat corn in its raw form when it is on the cob rather than packed ones.

Disadvantages of eating too much Corn/Is Corn Bad for Type 2 Diabetes?

  • By keeping an eye on carbs intake, Type 2 diabetes can eat corn.
  • There are phytic acids that disturb mineral absorption.
  • High consumption of corn results in gastrointestinal discomfort, gas bloating, and diarrhoea.

Safe Permissible Amount Of Corn for Type 2 Diabetes

Nutritionists recommend adding non-starchy vegetables to their plates, and they insist o take food from each food group to live healthy lives. People with diabetics must take two and a half cups of vegetables, and they can eat 100g of corn every day, which fulfils a person’s 10g fibre requirement.

Corn Syrup and Diabetes Type 2

It is just syrup stuffed with sugar. It is the worst choice that diabetics can make. It is formed from corn, which is broken down into glucose, a type of sugar; glucose is then processed and passes through stages where its breakdown occurs, converting it into fructose, which is also a type of sugar but sweeter than glucose.

High glucose levels cause problems like

  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Cvd
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High triglycerides levels

Corn Chips and Diabetes Type 2

Corn, chips, and tortillas chips at restaurants are not healthy choices, so you should better avoid them; carbs and salt are high in these chips. If you are dying to eat chips, you can eat one or two chips because one chip will contain fewer carbs than ten. Laugh out loud.

Corn Tortillas and  Diabetics

Corn tortillas are sources of whole grains and provide fibre. They are low fat and low carb, improving insulin resistance.

One corn tortilla contains

11g of carbs and 52 calories

Should Diabetics break up with cornflakes

There is a big No to cornflakes. Sugar in cornflakes is fructose formed by the breakdown of glucose; fructose, as you have learned, is sweeter, easily absorbed, and spikes glucose levels.

Can Diabetics eat Corn Starch?

It is not the best choice, it is easily digested and can easily spike glucose levels, and it has 0 fibre and seven grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon.


Is Corn High in Sugar?

Corn has a GI of 52 and a GL of 15. 100 g of corn contains 6 grams of sugar. It can raise glucose levels but does not have a high potential to increase them.

Can Diabetics Eat Kettle Corn?

People with diabetes should avoid kettle corn varieties because they are prepared with sugars and caramels. New recipes are evolved that are prepared by adding chocolate so that sugar levels will spike glucose levels.

Can Diabetics Eat popcorn as a Snack?

Popcorn contains just 30 calories per 8 grams. You have learned that these calories are not high, making it diabetic-friendly.

What Kind of Corn Can a Diabetic Eat?

Sweet corn contains less carb and less fat, so it is the best choice for people with diabetes.

What is the Effect of Corn Flour?

Corn flour spikes glucose levels and increases a person’s weight, so it is not recommended.

Is Corn Good For Blood Pressure?

Yes, it regulates blood pressure.

Is Corn Healthy?

Corn contains iron, folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B3 and has many benefits for heart, skin, and eye health.

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