List of Dry Fruits for Diabetes | Safe to Eat at Any Time for Diabetics

Dried fruits are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, all of which are important nutrients for health. Dried fruits have been used in meals for years to enhance flavor and nutritional value.

.But if you have diabetes, you must keep an eye on your diet because diabetes can be controlled by exercise and diet. So you have to check on your carb intake, which spikes blood glucose levels.

So, whether diabetic can eat dry fruits or not? Yes! You can eat dry fruits. Most diabetics believe that dry fruits are high in sugar and fat. Therefore they avoid them. Dry fruits, on the other hand, are superfoods that can help with blood sugar regulation.

In this article, I will explain which dry fruits to eat. How many? And how to add dry fruits to the diet plan of people with diabetes.

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List of Dry Fruits for DiabetesA Diabetic Person Can Take These Dry Fruits on a Daily Basis

Did you know? 37.3 million Americans have diabetes. The ratios continue to rise, which is alarming. This can also harm future generations because their parents’ diabetes susceptibility may be passed down to them. Diabetes prevention and management is a must have thing for diabetics to prevent from the severe results.

Diabetes management depends solely on healthy food and physical activity. By consuming these dry fruits daily to ensure adequate nourishment without raising blood glucose levels.

Dry Fruits Glycemic Index
Pine Nut15
Prunes 29
Macadamias Nuts10
Dry berries53
Sultanas Raisin51 ± 4
Dried Apricot32
List of Dry Fruits for Diabetes with Glycemic Index
  • Dry Berries

Berries are considered a good super food for diabetes since they are high in fiber and antioxidants. It helps to manage blood glucose and reduces inflammation as well. If you mix them with nonfat yogurt, they make a fantastic treat for persons with diabetes.

One study proves that eating berries reduce diabetic complications such as kidney damage and stroke.

  • Almonds

If you have diabetes, almonds are one of the greatest dry fruits to add to your diet since they can help balance blood sugar levels. They are a rich source of fiber and protein, which can help you maintain a steady blood sugar level and feel full without being hungry. Almonds also have the lowest glycemic index of any dry fruit, at zero.

Almonds also contain a lot of magnesium, which helps the nervous system and lowers blood pressure (which can worsen during diabetes).

  • Pistachios

Pistachios are another healthy dry fruit abundant in monounsaturated fats, fiber, complex carbs, protein, important vitamins, and minerals. Pistachios aid in reducing inflammation, which is required for diabetes. Furthermore, eating pistachios can provide you with many other health benefits.

A study was performed in Spain, where two groups were kept under trial. One group was given two ounces of pistachio, and other groups took its fats from olive oil and other type of fat. By the end of the study, fasting blood sugar levels, insulin, and hormonal markers of insulin resistance had decreased in the pistachio group while they rose in the comparison group.

  • Prunes

Adding two or three prunes to a diabetic’s daily diet plan is a good alternative. Prunes, with their high fiber content and low GI, are an excellent diet for controlling blood glucose levels. It is the best snack for people with diabetes.

Furthermore, excessive consumption of prunes causes bloating and gas, diarrhea, and constipation. So be careful when consuming them. You can add them to your salad as a healthy snack.

  • Macadamias Nuts 

Macadamias are not only the most expensive nuts but also beneficial to people with diabetes. They have a low glycemic index and are low in carbohydrates, making them suitable for preventing or postponing diabetes. These nuts are abundant in monounsaturated fats, aiding blood sugar regulation.

However, macadamia nuts are heavy, with 718 calories per 100 grams. Thus patients with diabetes should consume them in moderation. According to experts, macadamia nuts include various vitamins and bioactive chemicals that improve glycemic control in persons with type 2 diabetes.

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  • Hazelnuts 

Hazelnuts can be included in your daily diet if you have diabetes. Hazelnuts are a good source of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids and are high in polyunsaturated fats. They’re also strong in fiber and protein, with a low glycemic index, making them an excellent choice for people with diabetes.

According to a study, consuming a diet high in hazelnuts can help increase insulin sensitivity, which has been linked to developing type 2 diabetes. They also found that consuming hazelnuts can assist type 2 diabetes patients in keeping their HDL-C levels stable.

Because hazelnuts are high in calories, they should be consumed in moderation.

  • Dates

People with diabetes crave to eat something sweet. While avoiding artificial sugar is important, you can eat natural sugar found in fruits and dry fruits in moderation. Dates contain high levels of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, and C.

Minerals such as fiber, iron, and magnesium are present. Dates can help with digestion and encourage bowel motions. Overall, dates are the finest alternative to sweets.

  • Pine Nuts

Pine nuts have a low glycemic index and a good balance of protein, fiber, and other minerals, which aids in blood sugar control. These nuts are high in good fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can aid diabetes management by decreasing blood pressure and bad cholesterol.

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Pine nuts can help regulate diabetes by lowering fasting blood glucose, improving insulin resistance, reducing weight loss, and improving oxidative stress, according to a rat study.

Please remember that pine nuts are high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.

  • Sultanas Raisin

Sultanas Raisins have no fat, saturated fat, or cholesterol and are high in micronutrients that promote health, such as fiber, antioxidants, and potassium. These qualities make Sultanas raisins an excellent food choice for people with diabetes and healthy people!

  • Dried Apricot

People with diabetes can eat two to three dried apricots daily. Because dried apricots have a low glycemic index, they have no effect on blood sugar but can create a surge if consumed in excess. So use them in moderation.

A study proved that apricots are best to treat hypoglycemia in diabetic patients.

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Health Benefits Of Dry Fruits

Dried fruits are very high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Also, many dried fruits have a low to medium Glycemic Index (GI). As a result, most of them are on the list of the dry fruits for people with diabetes to eat. Look at a few health benefits of dry fruits:

  • Dry, high-fiber fruits help minimize the desire to eat frequently, lowering the danger of overeating and binge eating harmful foods.
  • They are a rich source of potassium.
  • Dry fruits are high in vitamins and antioxidants, providing the human body with nutrients that aid daily activities.
  • Dried fruits are lightweight, portable, and delicious. As a result, they are an excellent substitute for processed snacks and munchies.
  • Experts demonstrate that eating a modest amount of nuts (also known as superfoods) after lunch helps the body store energy faster and keeps one energetic at work.
  • Exercise is essential for diabetes management. Dried fruits can assist in supplying energy to patients in the morning, motivating the body to do additional work.

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How Many Almonds Can Diabetics Eat Daily?

It is very crucial to control overall fats or caloric intake. You can eat 6-8 almonds rich in fiber and protein daily.

Which Dry Fruit is Lowest in Sugar?

Dried mulberries are said to have the lowest sugar content while performing the same purpose as raisins. It is recommended because one cup of this dried fruit has 130% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Which Is the Healthiest Dry Fruit?

Almonds include a lot of protein, minerals, and nutrients like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. These minerals are required for proper physiological function. As a result, almonds are regarded as the healthiest dry fruit.

Which Dry Fruits Are Good For Gestational Diabetes?

Sultanas, apricots, dates, and raisins are the healthiest options for people with gestational diabetes. But they should be mindful of their portion sizes as an excess of anything is dangerous.

Do Dried Fruits Raise Insulin?

No, as you have learned already, dry fruits help to maintain blood sugar levels, and they dont raise insulin levels, while on the other hand, carbs present in white flour and rice can increase insulin levels.

Is Fig (Anjeer) Good For People With Diabetes?

Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics, anjeer aids in the management of diabetes by boosting insulin secretion. Because of its  (laxative) characteristics, ingesting 2-3 soaked anjeer in the morning helps to treat constipation by stimulating bowel movement.

Final words:

In this article, I have explained the list of dry fruits for diabetes ( their benefits) that are very diabetic friendly and that you can consume without worrying about your glucose levels, but the key to a healthy life is to keep every food in moderation.

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