Can Diabetics Drink Protein Shakes?

Every soul needs nutrients, vitamins, and protein to live a long healthy life. Protein is crucial for healthy living and is needed to perform functions properly. 

One can take protein in the form of protein shakes, but the question arises can people with diabetes drink protein shake? 

The answer is yes.

Protein is absorbed slowly, and it slowly raises blood sugar levels. While carbohydrates and sugars are absorbed faster, they also raise the body’s glucose levels quickly.

That is the reason people feel hungry after a short period of taking a high-carb meal.

So protein-containing foods are the best option, and after a meal, the body feels satiety, and the body demands the next meal after 5-6 hours, which is a benefit for diabetic patients trying to lose weight.

In this article, you will learn about the best protein shake recipes, protein powders, and how to choose low-fat protein shakes and powders; keep going through this article to get answers to all your questions.

Shocking Benefits of Protein

  • Protein-containing foods reduce cravings and desires for late-night snacking.
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Do not harm the kidney; keep levels of protein in check because high protein levels cause a burden on the kidney and also result in the formation of kidney stones.
  • It boosts metabolism and helps lose fat, which greatly benefits diabetic patients.
  • Strengthens the bones
  • It helps to maintain muscle mass. Only protein helps to gain muscles, and one should work out in the gym to get results.

Do Protein Shakes Affect Blood Sugar levels?

 A study concluded that Whey protein was used as a treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Protein gives you the feeling of satiety and fullness. It does not raise blood glucose levels fastly. 

Only a small amount of insulin is required to metabolize protein. To metabolize carbs and sugar, more insulin is required.

Guidelines Before Choosing a Protein shake

  • First, make your protein shake with natural fruits and low-fat milk. 

For example, add 200 ml of low-fat milk in a blender, add half a banana, half cup of strawberries, and nuts into a blender, and enjoy. It will provide you with 250 calories.

  • Choose a protein shake with no sugar.
  • Avoid shakes that have added artificial sweeteners.
  • Avoid protein powder that has refined oils in it.
  • Choose a shake that contains vitamins and minerals.
  • The carbs content in protein shakes must be lower than 15g.
  • Sugar content should be less than 10g.
  • Shakes with no fiber content are avoided. Evert shake should have at least 3g of fiber. Fiber prevents constipation and helps to maintain blood sugar levels.

How Much Protein is Too Much?

One gram or 0.8 grams of protein per kg body weight is recommended. This intake should not exceed more than 2 grams per kg body weight. ADA recommends women have 46g of protein per day and 56g of protein for men per day.

All protein intake should not come from protein shakes only; a healthy diet has to include protein from all food groups, like nuts (peanuts and almonds), chicken, mutton, pulses, and beans.

The disadvantage of High protein Intake

  • High protein causes a burden on the kidney, resulting in the formation of kidney stones. It also causes a burden on the liver and bones.
  • The body cannot smoothly use protein.
  • When a person starts to take protein from red meat, saturated fats are high in it, resulting in cancer and coronary heart disease. Levels of low-density lipoprotein (The bad cholesterol) will also rise.

Diabetics Friendly Protein Shakes

protein shakes are becoming more popular among athletes, but can people with diabetes enjoy these shakes and smoothies too? Yes, of course, but they need to be more cautious compared to non; people with diabetes. All ingredients in smoothies should have a low glycemic index. Try to add chia seeds, flaxseeds, and avocados to your shake.

  1. Spinach protein shake


  • Three leaves of spinach
  • One banana
  • 6-7 cashews
  • 200 ml of soya milk.

In a blender, add spinach, cubed banana, cashew, and ice cubes, give it a nice blend and enjoy. It is a low-carb, low-sugar shake that people with diabetes can enjoy.

2. Mouthwatering strawberry smoothie

  • Take 100g of kale or any other green leafy vegetable of your own choice
  • 100 grams of strawberries and half banana
  • One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds
  • 25g of protein powder
  •  half cucumber
  • 1 cup almond milk

Blend this all together, and your mouth-watering smoothies are ready. Even if you don’t add protein powder to your shake, still your shake will be delicious.

Meal Replacement Shakes for Diabetes 

Choose a shake that has a high amount of protein and low carbs.

HLTH shakes are often recommended as meal replacement shakes. These are ketogenic shakes for people with diabetes who are not on ketogenic diets.

  1. Ample K
  2. The slender blend shake
  3. Glucerna Shake
  4. Almased Meal Replacement Shake
  5. Boost glucose control shake
  6. Slimfast Diabetic Weight Loss Shake Mix

Cons of Meal Replacement shakes

All these meal replacement shakes are diabetic-friendly, but they also have some disadvantages.

There are a few flavors. People who are allergic to milk cannot take replacement shakes that contain milk and gluten. These shakes are very costly, and only some need help.

Best Protein Powder for Diabetes

The best protein powder is whey protein isolate. It is refined to get pure protein. It is 90 percent protein and almost has zero fat and sugar.. 27 grams of protein is present in a scoop of 30g. This powder helps to boost the biological system that synthesizes protein and reduces protein degradation.

Premier Protein Shake and Diabetes

If patients start to take premier shakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then problems can occur because each shake contains at least 6 grams of sugar, so taking it all day may spike blood glucose levels. Sucralose, which is an artificial sweetener, is also present. High intake of this sugar causes inflammation in the gut and can worsen the effect of diabetes, and also causes obesity. If you are taking it as a meal replacement shake for breakfast or lunch only, then there are no worries. You can have it.


Is Protein Shake Bad for Diabetics?

Not at all; people with diabetes can enjoy shakes by healthily preparing them by adding low-fat milk and green leafy vegetables. In this way, you can control your sugar intake as well.

Diabetic Protein Powder for Weight Gain

Serious mass, whey protein isolate, Enterix diabetics, and Ensure, theses are powders that help people with diabetes to gain weight. There is a small number of diabetic patients who lose weight, and most diabetics are obese.

They lose weight because insulin is low, and cannot take glucose from the blood to cells for energy, so they burn fat and use muscles. As a result, weight reduction occurs.

What are the Diabetic’s Protein powders for weight loss?

The best options are slim fast, organic protein powder, whey protein, casein protein, and soy protein powder.

How to choose Gestational Diabetes Protein Shake for Breakfast?

During the gestation period, mothers have to take care of two; some women don’t feel hungry in the first trimester, but they have to eat and can not skip a meal.

When you want to eat something fresh in the morning, try making the shake with low GI fruits and vegetables by adding nuts and seeds such as chia seeds.

These shakes provide more than 200 calories and act as meal replacement shakes.

Can people with diabetes take a protein supplement?

Yes, several studies showed that protein helps to maintain body composition helps to maintain steady blood glucose levels. One should consult a doctor before adding a protein supplement to their routine.

Final words

People with diabetes can take protein shakes, and patients should go deep into the shake labels and select shake wisely by keeping in mind the abovementioned guidelines.

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