Can You Eat Fruit During Intermittent Fasting (IF)

During intermittent fasting, you are not allowed to eat during the fasting hour. But when you eat during your hours, you should eat a healthy diet including fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains.

In this post I will discuss with you about fruits you can eat with intermittent fasting.

Fruits To Be Eaten While On Intermittent Fasting

As you all know, fruits are rich in nutrients. At the same time, the one who is on intermittent fasting due to its nutrient content, hydration properties, and potential to provide sustained energy during eating windows. However, choosing low to medium-sugar fruits is important as excess fruit sugar (fructose) can promote metabolic health issues and undo many benefits of Intermittent Fasting.

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Importance of Fruits

Like any dietary plan, consuming nutrient-rich foods is crucial while practising intermittent fasting. Fruits and vegetables usually contain vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients (plant nutrients), and dietary fibre. These elements can contribute to reducing cholesterol levels, regulating blood sugar levels, and supporting digestive well-being. Additionally, it’s worth noting that fruits and vegetables are low in calories. 

According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans issued by the government, a daily intake of around 2 cups of fruit is recommended for most individuals following a 2,000-calorie per day diet.

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Fruits That Are Best During Intermittent Fasting

Choosing foods that help sustain energy levels, provide essential nutrients, and support your fasting goals during intermittent fasting is very important. While there isn’t a strict list of “good” or “bad” fruits for intermittent fasting, some fruits are generally considered more suitable due to their nutritional profiles and impact on blood sugar levels. 

Here are some fruits that could be beneficial for intermittent fasting:

  1. Berries 

They have a relatively low glycemic index, meaning they have a lesser impact on blood sugar levels. For example, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are low in calories and fibre.

  1. Apples

Good source of fibre and provides a satisfying crunch. Choose whole apples over juices or applesauce to maximise the fibre content and slow digestion.

  1. Pears 

This fibre-rich option can help keep you full and satisfied during fasting periods.

  1. Citrus Fruits

Like oranges, grapefruits, and mandarins are rich in vitamin C and fibre. They can provide a refreshing and hydrating option.

  1. Avocados 

They are a great source of healthy fats and fibre. They can help provide a sustained amount of energy throughout your fasting window.

  1. Watermelon

has a high water content and is relatively low in calories, making it a hydrating option during fasting.

  1. Kiwi

Loaded with vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C and vitamin K. It also contains dietary fibre.

  1. Cherries 

They are delicious and contain antioxidants and fibre, supporting your fasting goals.

When incorporating fruits into your intermittent fasting plan, it’s important to be mindful of portion sizes and their potential impact on your overall calorie intake. 

These fruits are generally considered beneficial, but individual food responses can vary. Monitoring how your body responds and adjusting your choices is a good idea. 

Also, consider consuming fruits during your eating window to ensure that you have energy throughout your fasting period.

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Recipes For Selected Fruits 

Here is a simple recipe idea that incorporates some of the fruits mentioned earlier into a delicious and nutritious snack or meal:

Berry and Yogurt Parfait


  • Mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
  • Greek yoghurt (plain or flavoured)
  • Granola (optional)
  • Honey (optional)
  • Chopped nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts) for added crunch (optional)


  • Wash the berries thoroughly and pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • If using Greek yoghurt, scoop the desired amount into a bowl.
  • Layer the yoghurt with a handful of mixed berries.
  • Repeat the layers until you have used all the yoghurt and berries. You can create multiple layers for a visually appealing presentation.
  • If desired, sprinkle a small amount of granola over the top of the parfait for added texture and flavour.
  • Drizzle a small amount of honey over the top for extra sweetness, if desired.
  • If you like, sprinkle some chopped nuts over the parfait for a satisfying crunch and added nutrients.
  • Serve immediately, and enjoy your berry and yoghurt parfait!

This recipe is highly customisable. You can adjust the portion sizes of each ingredient based on your dietary preferences and calorie needs. 

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Benefits of Ingredients

Greek yoghurt provides protein and probiotics, while berries contribute vitamins, minerals, and fibre. 

The granola and nuts add crunch and healthy fats. 

Be mindful of flavoured yoghurts or granolas containing added sugars, as they can impact your fasting goals.

Remember that the key to successful intermittent fasting is maintaining a balanced diet and choosing foods that help you stay satisfied during fasting periods. Feel free to modify the recipe to suit your tastes and nutritional requirements.

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Risk of Intermittent Fasting

Our body responds positively whenever we make changes like dieting or fasting. This type of response differs from person to person; it can be positive or negative depending on different body conditions. 

Some experts say that it is generally regarded as safe and effective. But here is some risk associated with it:

  • Dehydration
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Bad breath (Halitosis)
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Fatigue
  • Low sugar level
  • Mood swings


  • For those with low sugar and eating disorder issues, be aware of this type of fasting as your blood sugar level might get low, leading to severe problems.
  • Additionally, pregnant and lactating women should avoid this type of fasting as it may cause complications.

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Can I drink water during fasting periods?

Staying hydrated by drinking water, herbal tea, or black coffee during fasting periods is generally recommended. These beverages usually have minimal or no calories and won’t significantly affect your fasting goals.

Can I eat anything during my eating window?

While you have greater freedom within your eating timeframe, it remains crucial to prioritise healthy choices. Emphasise whole, nutrient-rich foods such as lean proteins, whole grains, beneficial fats, and abundant fruits and vegetables. Steer clear of excessive intake of sugary and processed foods.

Can I exercise while fasting?

Yes, you can exercise during fasting periods. Light to moderate exercise is generally considered safe and can even enhance the benefits of intermittent fasting. 

Is intermittent fasting suitable for everyone?

Intermittent fasting may not be appropriate for pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with a history of eating disorders, certain medical conditions, or those taking specific medications. It is recommended to seek guidance from a healthcare provider before starting any fasting routine.

Will intermittent fasting help with weight loss?

You can lose considerable weight by reducing calorie intake and improving insulin sensitivity. However, individual results vary, and it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and incorporate regular physical activity for sustainable weight loss.

Can intermittent fasting have health benefits beyond weight loss?

Yes, intermittent fasting has various health benefits, including improved metabolic health, better blood sugar control, reduced inflammation, and potential longevity benefits. However, more research is needed to understand its long-term effects fully.

Can I combine intermittent fasting with other diets?

Some people combine intermittent fasting with specific dietary approaches like the ketogenic or plant-based diet. However, ensuring that your combined approach meets your nutritional needs and is sustainable is important.

Final words:

Incorporating fruit into your intermittent fasting (IF) regimen can be healthy, provided it aligns with your fasting goals and preferences. Opt for whole, fresh fruits that are nutrient-dense and low in added sugars to support your overall well-being while adhering to your chosen IF schedule. However, it’s essential to consider individual factors and consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific dietary concerns or medical conditions. Balancing the benefits of IF with a nutritious approach to fruit consumption can contribute to a successful and sustainable fasting routine.

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